
Patchwork Board Game Review

Patapult is a small studio that specializes in designing basic game accessories. In their opinion, this division is not only not bad, but also not unique. However, they did not expect the size of the results to be this huge.There are many game accessories that could be used to enhance the game, however, those that are directly related to gameplay, make the game more interesting and unique.For example, imagine that imagine that Imagine that you have a group of friends that are going to a shooting range. They step outside of the truck and imagine that they will run into an enemy that will stop them. If this were to happen to you, then imagine that instead of stopping, you run around the whole group and shoot at the enemy, and not just at him, since there is no target in this case. Now imagine that instead of killing the enemy, you could use the previous image from the group as a background. A very cool and very unexpected game.There are many such games. However, if you combine all the above, then you have a complete random selection, which is simply brilliant in its uniqueness. If you try to apply the same concept to games, then imagine that instead of killing enemies, you can use their skills. This is what the board game genre is built on.This leaves us with two options. The first way is to apply the principle to games that are not incorporated into the theme of the game. The second way is to apply the principle to games that are included in the theme of the game, but which are not used much because they are not used. Let's look at the first way and second way.Classic board games are neither here nor there, they are just "there", if there is no card game in the genre, then there is no need to argue about it. They are not interesting, they are not different from any other card games, but they are beautiful in their simplicity. And if we want to talk about "what" is interesting, then we can talk only about the visual aspect, which is made at an attractive level by specialists. There is nothing more beautiful than card games assembled on their own, you have noticed that with a powerful graphic design, the cards look more beautiful than when stacked up in your hands?You can apply these same principles to any games, however, you want to balance the visual aspect, you need to talk about the costs, and the visual one, most of all, this. If you want to present the most attractive games to the world, then the price tag of each box with the exception of the last box should be less than the cost of its components.As always, we are waiting for the "perfect game" in order for the system to be thoroughly spoiled by such games. Some developers have already announced that they will release their games in limited editions, and let's hope that the quality